Our petition requests the recall of Commissioner John West for ignoring the will of the people and for his actions.



Our petition requests the recall of Commissioner John West for ignoring the will of the people and for his actions.





Our Mission:

To Recall Commissioner John West

We are a group of concerned residents committed to the recall of Commissioner John West, driven by our deep concern for the well-being of our community. Our mission is to address and correct the leadership and decision-making issues that have negatively impacted the health and safety of our county, led to financial mismanagement, and resulted in violations of state laws.

Why We’re Taking Action – The Legal Petition Language

This Petition requests the recall of Commissioner John West for ignoring the will of the people and for actions that have:

  • Affected the health and safety of the community;
  • Lost revenue, increased costs, or haphazardly cut valued services;
  • Failed to follow the law.

The following actions demonstrate a failure to consider the best interests of the people he was elected to serve:

1) Bad faith negotiations in the Pipe Fork property sale, leading to lost revenue and jeopardizing a Williams community water source.

2) Ignored the will of the voters by eliminating funding for community programs, including OSU extension, Law Enforcement, and Public Health.

3) West has shown a pattern of violating state laws, including campaign finance regulations and public meeting laws, and is currently facing several pending ethics and labor law violations.

4) Unlawfully approved a Library District withdrawal leading to costly litigation.

5) West has shown a pattern of threatening community safety by reducing the Firewise program, reducing the Emergency Management program, and eliminating property development fire standards.

6) Hired unqualified political allies for key County employee and contract positions.

These actions demonstrate a pattern of unethical and illegal behavior, severely damaging public trust and warranting immediate recall.

How To Sign The Petition

See below for instructions on signing the petition in person or for downloading a single signature petition that you can fill out and mail to us.

Sign Recall Petition In-Person

Visit our office or other locations below to sign our recall petition in-person

Committee To Recall Commissioner John West

Sign Our Petition Today

Click the link below to view & download the recall petition. Please review the instructions prior to completing your signature sheet.

Instruction for submitting your Electronic Signature Sheet.

First – only one signature. If multiple members of the household wish to sign, you MUST complete a separate sheet for each person.

Print this packet which includes these instructions and the Electronic Signature Sheet on plain white paper, preferably on standard 20lb paper. Print single sided.

In the Certification area toward the bottom of the page:

• Sign as you sign on a ballot. Needs to match the Clerk’s voter role

• Complete the date you signed: mm/dd/yy

• Print your name carefully so that the Clerk can find you in the voter roles

• Carefully enter your address: street, city, zip WITHOUT GETTING INTO THE


Mail to:
Committee to Recall John West
600 SE 7 th St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526


8/4/2024 – Press ReleaseCommittee to Recall John West

Moving Forward

The recall of Commissioner John West is about more than just addressing past actions; it’s about setting a new standard for leadership in our county.  If we can join together and collect enough petition signatures from Josephine County voters, the recall ballot measure will appear on a special election ballot in December 2024.  You will see by the facts behind our petition points that Commissioner John West has cost the citizens millions just in his first 19 months in office.  If enough of our fellow voters agree, we are justified in bringing this special election before voters because Josephine County cannot afford two more years of the extremely costly decision-making of Commissioner John West.